Physics Cross-Curricular and Interdisciplinary Connections

Index: IDC: Interdisciplinary connection, CCC: Cross-curricular connection, RLC: Real life connection.

Goal: Connecting each topic and class with other subjects, referring future and past chapters and enhancing with real life examples where we see the application of concept.

1 Kinematics


1.1 Motion in one dimension without gravitational field

A) Subject MAP of Kinematics as a science of motion

B) Physical quantities

1.Position , distance and displacement

IDC: Math; number line sub-chapter can be connected to this subject.

CCC: This section will be used in dynamics, projectile motion, work energy chapters.

RLC: Describing the way between Walmart and home, distance between two cities/states.

2.Drawing displacement vector

IDC: Math;absolute value calculation for linear vectors. Geometry; angles, triangles and Pythagorean theorem.

CCC: Inclined planes and almost all force diagrams, dynamics systems.

RLC: Air distance, shortest distance to go from one place to another.

3.Speed and velocity

a. Motion diagram

4.Instantaneous speed and average speed


IDC: Finding rate in algebra I and II. Estimating linear functions, slopes and y-intercepts.

CCC: Details will be used for gravitation and circular motion.

RLC: Differenciating two cars as fast and slow. Pushing gas pedal to speed up, brake pedal to slow down.

C) Types of linear motion

1.Uniform linear motion

2.Linear motion with constant acceleration

IDC: Chemistry; rate of a constant chemical reaction. Math; constant interest rate and slope of a graph. Biology; growth rate/ percentage of plants, blood flow.

CCC: Sliding down through an inclined plane with constant speed.

RLC: A train toy going straight at constant speed, cruise control of a car, speed of light.

D) Graphing the motion as function of time.

1.Graphing uniform motion

2.Graphing motion with constant


3. Relationship in between x-t, v-t, and a-t graphs

4.Finding the slope and area of graphs

5. Linearization of Graphs

6. Activity: Prediction Challenge

IDC: Algebra; slope calculation and y-intercepts, area calculation of a graph. Tangent of a graph.

CCC: Graphs are always used in multiple chapters such as force, impulse- momentum, work-energy-power...

RLC: Interest rate graphs, population growth graphs, expected population in 2050, seasonal temperature graphs and expected seasonal averages.

E) Mastering with three kinematics equations

1. Derivation of 2nd equation

2.Positive acceleration problems

3.Negative acceleration problems

IDC: Pre-calculus; quadratic equations, second degree unknown equations and solutions. Roots of an equation.

CCC: Projectile motion and motion in 2D.


1.2 Motion in One Dimension in a uniform gravitational field.

A) Free Fall

1. Galileo vs Aristotle (Galileo`s experiment)

2. Gravitational Acceleration (Free-fall acceleration)

3. Object released from rest

4. Object thrown downward

5. Object thrown upward

IDC: Precalculus; finding the rate of an equation and application of the rate for unknown y-intercepts. .

CCC: Referring to linear motion and adding up with constant increase rate to the linear motion. Connecting to projectile motion and terminal velocity.

RLC: Releasing a fur and a coin in a vacuum tube to see they fall at same time. Holding a post-it paper one inch above a thick hard cover book and releasing both. Book will block air and both will fall at same time. Terminal velocity: If there was no such a law in nature, raindrops would speed up and affect like a bullet to make holes in skulls.

B) Graphs of free fall

1. Graphs of object released from rest

2. Graphs of object thrown downward

3. Graphs of object thrown upward

IDC: Algebra; slope calculation and y-intercepts, area calculation of a graph. Tangent of a graph.

CCC: Graphs are always used in multiple chapters such as force, impulse- momentum, work-energy-power...


1.3 Motion in Two Dimensions

A) Projectile Motion in a uniform gravitational field

1- Properties of P.M.

2- Horizontal P.M.

3. Graphs of the projectile motion

IDC: Algebra; slope calculation and y-intercepts, area calculation of a graph. Tangent of a graph. Precalculus; quadratic equations and solutions, roots of equations.

CCC: Referring to linear and free fall. Connecting to universal gravitation and gravitational field in future chapters.

RLC: Aiming for targets in military. 45 degrees for max range. Throwing stones at around 45' unintentionally in daily life without knowing physics.

2- Linear Dynamics


2.1 Newton`s Laws of Motion Without Force of Friction

A. Definition of dynamics

B. Mass vs Inertia

IDC:Chemistry; mole number, amount of substance, molecular weight & mass.

CCC: Inertia will be used in Newton's laws section and momentum chapter.

RLC: Why is it harder to stop a bowling ball than soccer ball at same speed? Why do ventilation fans keep rotating couple even if you turn off power? Sudden movements and joint injuries.

C. Law of Inertia

D. Types of forces

1. Contact forces

a. Applied forces

b. Normal Force (Reaction of a surface)

c. Air resistance

d. Tension force

e. Friction force

f. Spring force

g. Buoyant force

IDC: Biology; synovial joints for friction, floating after inhaling air for buoyancy, ripping off muscles and ACL for tension force, Engineering; ship& boat mechanics/ design, friction welding, oiling engines and moving parts, Ecology-Environmental, science; hail and rain damage, Space science; gravitational force to keep planets/moons in orbit for non-contact force.

CCC:Force diagrams will be used in work-energy subchapter, friction for kinematics and refer to motion in 1D for stopping distance.

RLC: least friction constant of synovial joints way better than teflon and other materials. Reason of warm up exercise to decrease friction constant 4 times for joint fluid.

2. Field Forces

a. Gravitational force

i. Weight vs Mass

ii. Effective Weight, Real Weight

iii. Weightlessness

b. Electrostatic force

c. Magnetic force




E. Newton`s Second Law

1. Linearization of a vs mass graph

F. Newton`s Third Law

1. Action –Reaction Force Pairs

G. Applications of Newton`s laws

1. Strategy for solving dynamics problems

2. Free- Body Diagrams (always first step)

3. Static dynamics

4. Dynamics of a single object

5. System of two or more objects

6. Atwood machines

7. Inclined planes (only one block released)

H. Effective Weight in an elevators.

1. Elevator is accelerating upward

2. Elevator is accelerating downward

3. Elevator is moving with a constant speed

4. Elevator is falling freely

2.2 Linear Dynamics with Friction

A. Applications of Newton’s laws under the effect of friction

1. Force of Friction

2. Drag force , air resistance , terminal velocity.

3. Types of Friction(Static & Kinetic)

B. Solving dynamics problems on frictional surface

1. Static Equilibrium

2. Dynamics of a single object

3. System of two or more objects

4. System of two objects with pulleys